Name 11 - KalaBhairavaBharya

All Glories to Divine Mother!

The name comprises of three words- Kala, Bhairava, and Bharya. Kala means time, Bhairava means fearsome and Bharya means wife. so KalaBhairavaBharya means the wife of KalaBhairava. KalaBhairava is one of the most terrifying manifestations of Mahadeva. Time is eternal. It keeps running on and on. In the divine play when Divine Mother created time, She made KalaBhairava the custodian of time. He keeps an account of everyone’s time be it small or big creature.

KalaBhairava has an annihilating aspect attached to Him. Since He is the fundamental timekeeper of the entire cosmos, when need arises He annihilates it. He has the time record of everything that is mortal. When their time is up, He destroys it. His Bharya, that is, wife is Bhairavi who is none other than the frightful aspect of Goddess Parvati. The consort of KalaBhairava is the root cause of His Shakti, His power, His energy. It is from Her that he derives energy to operate and carry out His responsibility.

Kala or time is fearful in itself. It seems dreadful to all living beings for they do not know what it is loaded with. So to keep the fearfulness of time in check, Mahadeva assumed another fearsome form of Bhairava and became KalaBhairava with His wife Bhairavi. Though KalaBhairavaBharya has a formidable countenance, but She is a fountain of pure love and compassion for Her devotees. The obliterating nature of KalaBhairava & Bhairavi destroys evils of all kinds and keeps the devotees under the umbrella of their protection. When approached with devotion, they purge all malevolence pervading the lives of devotees since lifetimes, streaming from fear, lust, anger, greed, ego and more. Bhairavi is the One who burns aways all sins and imperfections. There is nothing that is unattainable with the Grace of KalaBhairavaBharya. Sadhguru, the Realized Mystic, says that both KalaBhairava and KalaBhairavaBharya are of utmost significance. Purely out of love for their devotees, they are capable of destroying lifetimes of karmas, wiping off all past and opening the doors of ultimate salvation.

Salutations to the One who prefers to be KalaBhairavaBharya!