Name 14 - Kamini

All Glories to Divine Mother!

This name of Divine Mother Kali has to be understood along with the previous name 13 ‘Kamada’. In the previous name we saw that Divine Mother is the one who fulfils all desires. Kamini literally means the One who is the giver of ‘this’ desire. Nothing in the universe is impossible for Maa Kali who is Kamini. From simple to the most complex, there is nothing that She cannot accomplish. It is for the seeker to be clear that what is it that he holds as a desire. Does that mean a seeker can offer anything and everything in the name of desire to the Mother? If a wish brings fortune to one life at the expense of another, then such a wish is undesirable, not worth being desired.

Any desire that pops up in a seeker’s mind needs to be seen as to how it is going to bring about betterment in his life. Having said that, the devotee also needs to see whether any of his desire after fulfillment has the potential of causing ill or harm to others. If yes, such desire needs to be dropped. Only such a desire one must offer at the Lotus Feet of Divine Mother, with true faith and honest prayer, which holds the possibility of material and spiritual advancement of the devotee without having any adverse affect on anyone else. The Mother will take care of the rest. It is with the Grace of Kamini that such wisdom descends on the devotee to discriminate between what is desirable and what is undesirable. A true child of Maa Kali would make his every desire go through a microscope before he actually spells it out to the Mother. And when the time comes Mother Divine will realize that what the child wants as ‘this’ desire.

Salutations to the One who prefers to be Kamini!