Name 12 - KulaVartmaPrakasini

All Glories to Divine Mother!

Kula means family. Vartma or vart means land. Prakasini means one who brings light or illuminates. Divine Mother is KulaVartmaPrakasini, that is, the One who illuminates all the families dwelling in the entire land. Divine Mother has a brilliant effulgence akin to a thousand suns shining together. She uses this brilliance to light up the entire cosmos and dwellers of this cosmos. A mother sees all her offspring as equal. She bears no discrimination while tending to her kids. For Mother Divine the entire world is one family. All residents of this mega family are the children of Mother Divine. Through Her radiant splendor She makes sure that there is no room for any darkness in the lives of Her devotees, Her children. She keeps them, their families and their lives illuminated. Always!

Thus, the radiance of Divine Mother annihilates all darkness. Darkness here has another esoteric meaning. Darkness also means all negativity, wickedness, gloom, immorality, dullness and all tendencies that pull you down. All these have a propensity to keep one entangled in vicious cycle of Maya and keep one away from the ultimate truth. These negativities are also the biggest hindrance on the path of self purification. Divine Mother as KulaVartmaPrakisini comes slashing down on these tendencies with Her radiance being Her weapon. It is through Her grace that one can come under the umbrella of Her brilliance. She is the Supreme Mother with limitless love and care for Her devotees. She uproots all such weeds from the lives of Her children and helps them in realizing the true self.

Salutations to the One who prefers to be KulaVartmaPrakisini!