Whatever it is that we consider pure and impure, whatever it is that we think is good or bad, whatever it is that we perceive and that we cannot, it is all the DIVINE Mother my Kaali. She is the start and the stop point of everything. Of all lives She is the source and the mouth. From Her stems everything and in Her lap everything finds a supreme resting place. From a tiny worm to a mammathon life form She caters, tends, nourishes all. She is all knowing, all loving and ever protecting. Yet She cannot be known. She cannot be fathomed. With this afflicted mind and unmindful tongue She cannot be glorified. Oh! What have I ever done in this lifetime or others that She thought me worthy to be taking Her name!!!
It is with Her Grace and will alone that one can even think of taking Her name and making Her the anchor of one's life. May She be in every breath of mine. May She alone be in every thought that crosses this unbridled mind. May She run through me as life itself. It is purely out of Her wish that She has given me this thought of writing the meanings of Her names in Kaali Sahasranaam. This is an attempt totally out of my understanding however limited it may be and my devotion streaming from my impure heart together with my faith that rests in Her Lotus Feet. I don't know how far I may go on this journey but I shall keep taking baby steps with each name with the blessings of my Realized Master. I may fall but Oh Mother, give me the courage to get up again and keep moving towards you. Let me seek you and you alone and nothing else. Let me reach you so that you can clean me of all my afflictions and make me your innocent child again. Oh my Kaali! Take me as an offering unto your Lotus Feet.
Name 19
Image source https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fkalimother.wordpress.com%2Ficonography%2F&psig=AOvVaw0ROGmtlt_MOVFom6JfUvpL&ust=1614517550457000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKCO5_OQiu8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
All Glories to Divine Mother!
I offer my obeisance to Divine Mother my Kali who chooses Her Name 19 to be KakaraVarnaSarvangi. Kakara means “Ka”, Varna means letter and Sarvangi means all Her limbs. So KakaraVarnaSarvangi mean MoreName 20
Image Source https://in.pinterest.com/pin/649714683715161087/
All Glories to Divine Mother!
I bow down in sheer awe at the bewildering and mesmerizing Maya of MahaMayavini, my Divine Mother Kali. She chooses Her name 20 to be Kamini which repeats itself. We have seen Her name 14 is also Kam More